Comfort and Hope...One Quilt at a Time
In October, Melinda Marino, RN; Nan Bergamo, RN; and Rae Varrone, RN — three nurses from the Leever Cancer Center building — were honored at the Quilts That Care (QTC) seventh annual celebration.
In October, Melinda Marino, RN; Nan Bergamo, RN; and Rae Varrone, RN — three nurses from the Leever Cancer Center building — were honored at the Quilts That Care (QTC) seventh annual celebration.
Team Leever embraced the theme with Mickey Mouse Club t-shirts, welcoming one and all to the community of survivors and supporters with words from the Mickey Mouse Club theme song, “Hey there, hi there, ho there, you’re as welcome as can be.”
The Harold Leever Regional Cancer Center wishes to express its appreciation and a sincere thank you to its neighbors and friends by recognizing the spirit and hard work of the members of our community in fulfilling the Mission of the Leever Cancer Center.