Skip Navigation The Harold Leever Regional Cancer Center

Healing Art

An art show featuring masterpieces by Leever patients was held on November 8. Supplies were made available by a gift from the Pescetelli Family to remember and honor Lia Pescetelli, a self-taught and passionate artist.

Here is a sampling of the beautiful works that were displayed (left to right):

Untitled by Patty Austin “When I needed comfort of any kind (storm clouds — cancer), I went to my Grandma’s garden. Roses, pink roses, Grandma’s love.”

Butterfly by Virginia C. “A butterfly is a symbol of a new life after cancer.”

Thankful by Ronald Uricchio “It’s the center point time of your life; you are thankful for what you have.”

Leever’s Art Therapy program is held the second and fourth Friday of every month at 1pm in the front conference room.