Virtual Self-Care Toolbox
The Harold Leever Regional Cancer Center is pleased to offer the fall series of its popular “Building Your Self-Care Toolbox” workshops in virtual form. Build Your Self-Care Toolbox is a FREE, ongoing series of programs designed to give patients, caregivers, families and healthcare staff the tools they need to handle stress effectively using integrative, supportive therapies.
Intro to the Series
Join Diane Lafferty, LCSW, OSW-C to get an overview of the new virtual Self-Care workshop series, which allows you to learn relaxation and self-care techniques at your own pace in the comfort of home.
Breath Workshop
We all breathe, but have you ever thought of using breath as an effective way to help alleviate stress? In this video, Diane Lafferty, LCSW, OSW-C, will teach you a very simple breath work technique, then guide you through the practice so you can learn to do it on your own whenever you need it.
Building A Healthy Breakfast
Join Karen Sabbath, MS, RD, CSO to learn how to create a breakfast that gets your day started the right way, with healthful ingredients to nourish your body, boost your energy, and improve your mood. Recipes from the workshop include: How to Build A Better Breakfast | Homemade Yogurt | Olive Oil Granola | Smoothie Builder
Guided Imagery
In this video, Diane Lafferty, LCSW, OSW-C, will show you how to practice guided imagery, also known as guided relaxation or guided mediation, a pleasant and simple technique to take you to a place of relaxation and calm.
Chair Yoga
Put on comfortable clothing, grab a chair, and join Claudette Adams, ERYT to learn some basic chair yoga techniques to help you relax, get some gentle exercise, and even have some fun. No yoga experience is necessary, and all movements will be done while sitting in a chair. We will learn how to connect the head and the heart using gentle movement and breath while seated.