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AWARE Blog for Cancer Patients

At the Harold Leever Regional Cancer Center, we are privileged to provide the best community cancer care available for each patient. Our blog serves as an extension of this care, offering community-based resources on a wide array of cancer-related healthcare topics.

For additional information and resources, we encourage you to signup for our email communications that include our AWARE newsletter.

Superfoods: Is there such a thing?

“If you eat certain superfoods, you won’t get cancer (or heart disease or diabetes or high blood pressure or arthritis or Alzheimer’s.” The concept of superfoods was originally developed by the United Fruit Company, banana importers, around World War I as part of a marketing campaign touting the many benefits of eating bananas, including the fact that they came in their own germ-proof package.

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by Karen Sabbath, MS, RD, CSO  | 

Spotlight on: Radiation Therapists

When undergoing radiation treatments at The Harold Leever Regional Cancer Center, you will meet Leever’s Radiation Therapists, who administer the doses of radiation prescribed to patients.

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Posted 1/31/2023

Spotlight on: HLRCC Front Office Staff

When people walk through the front door of the Leever Cancer Center, they are often not feeling their best. They might be feeling ill or weak from treatments or be confused about where to go. That’s why our valuable front office staff is so important.

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Posted 11/11/2022

Using Supplements During Chemo: Yes or No?

Americans spend more than $30 billion a year on vitamins, herbals and other supplements. It is not uncommon for our patients to arrive to their oncology consultations with a large bag (or long list) of the supplements they are taking. It has been estimated that 65%-80% of all cancer patients take one or more vitamin or mineral supplements, and many of these patients START taking supplements just prior to starting their treatment.

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by Karen Sabbath, MS, RD, CSO  | 

Celebrating Twenty Years of Hope and Healing

When The Harold Leever Regional Cancer Center opened in 2002, its mission was to create a healing environment for the care of people with cancer, keeping patients and families at the center of every interaction.

We are proud to say that for 20 years we have been fulfilling that goal, providing the most advanced therapies to our patients and continuously seeking out and offering innovations in cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, education, and support.

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Posted 7/15/2022

Spotlight on: Radiation Oncology Nurses

We are pleased to welcome Samantha Conway and Erin Gregoire to our Radiation Oncology staff. We asked both nurses some questions to help us get to know them better. We’re sharing it with you, so you can learn more about them too!

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Posted 4/8/2022

What You Need to Know About Colorectal Cancer

Excluding skin cancers, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in the United States. In 2022, approximately 106,180 people will be diagnosed with colon cancer and 44,850 with rectal cancer, according to estimates from the American Cancer Society.

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Posted 3/7/2022

Cuppa Joe: Yes or No?

The lines of cars outside Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks every morning attest to America’s love affair with coffee. In fact, 64% of Americans drink just over three cups of coffee a day, for a total of 400 million cups consumed daily.

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by By Karen Sabbath, MS, RD, CSO  | 

Carrying on Through COVID-19: Multidisciplinary Conferences at the Leever Cancer Center

As you know, COVID-19 has impacted many aspects of our lives — from increased hand washing and mask wearing to restrictions on gatherings with friends and family. There have been many changes at the Leever Center too. We have had to cancel all in-person support groups and events, follow guidelines for screening and safety, and change our cleaning and sanitizing protocols for everyone’s safety. One important aspect of patient care that has continued without interruption is our multidisciplinary conferences.

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Posted 10/22/2021