The Leever team was thrilled to participate in another successful Greater Waterbury Relay for Life, held on September 18 at Holy Cross High School.
Highlights of the event, which this year had the theme “Seasons of Hope,” included luminaria bags to remember lost loved ones and a powerful speech by the Leever Cancer Center’s own Dr. Joseph Ravalese.
An Excerpt of Dr. Joseph Ravalese's Relay for Life Speech:
“As I look around and see all the faces of people gathered here to celebrate life, even the face coverings cannot mask the smiles in your eyes, the strength of your will, or the hope in your hearts.
Survivors, just look around you now. Hope abounds in the faces of your loved ones, of your family, of your friends, and of every healthcare provider that has had the honor to walk beside you through your treatments, your recovery, and on this special evening that recognizes and applauds your fight.
Seasons may change, but let us make every season a season of hope.”
—Joseph Ravalese, III, MD
This year’s event raised more than $100,000 for the American Cancer Society. Thank you to everyone who came out to make the event a success!