The Harold Leever Regional Cancer Center wishes to express its appreciation to our neighbors and friends...
In addition to everyone we recognized in our last AWARE, we thank the following individuals, businesses, and organizations for their generous donations of masks: Carole Dichele, Robin Wyatt Ford, Kelly Johnson, Jocelyn Lane, Middlebury Tailoring & More, Gerta Karameta, Quilts That Care, Sue Lavoie, Debbie Palmer, Kitty Vangunten, and DeShawnya (Beamon) Walker.
We are most grateful to Raymond, General Manager at Dollar General, Watertown, who alerted us when certain cleaning products were in stock.
Our sincere gratitude to Mike Mancini and The Hartford for another generous donation of patient care bags.
Our great appreciation to Darlene Jacovino and the Watertown High School Swim Team for their support and generous gift.
Deborah Parkinson and Melissa Seres from HLRCC accept 158 assorted gift cards for patients from Christine Damato who coordinated a Facebook fundraiser and raised almost $4,000!